...with books to guide the way!

Speech & Language
Our speech-language therapy services are curated for each client, family, and school team. Rooted in evidence-based practice, we ensure that both client, caregiver(s), and applicable team members are a central part of the planning, decision-making and implementation of therapy.
We specialize in providing thorough speech language therapy that ensures that each therapy session is both fun, specific, and meaningful to best meet the needs of each client.
Specialty Areas:
Articulation and Phonology Disorders,
Fluency Disorders (Stuttering & Cluttering)
Expressive/Receptive Language Disorders
Executive Function Skills
Social Pragmatic Skills
​Bam the
Tiny Brave Elephant
BAM the Tiny Brave Elephant is one of the many books that has been written by clinicians, teachers, and educators that understand how best to embed academic concepts into literature.
Our Book Store is designed with these very academic, language, and speech skills in mind. Explore to learn more.


About Compass Communication Group (CCG)
We provides a wide variety of speech-language therapy services, from virtual to in-person, to in-school and span from preschool screenings to high-quality and collaborative therapy.
Our Professional Development seminars are designed for schools and parents seeking to further their understanding of speech and language development.
Our CEO hosts language-rich Story Time events with community partners.
Our Publishing Services provide authors, educators, and students with a platform that transforms their ideas to life on printed page.
Therapy Blog